
Diversity is a major characteristic of all the creations of God. For instance, diversity is exhibited in the skin colour, thoughts of people, likes and dislikes of people and several other characteristics of humans. Even regarding animals of the same species, diversity is exhibited in their characteristics. What is the importance of diversity in this world?

First and foremost, diversity eliminated boredom. Can you imagine how the world would have looked like if all humans had the same characteristics? There would have been nothing like admiration because what would be so unique to be admired. Currently, because of diversity, everybody is excited in any environment. One has the opportunity of seeing and admiring different plants; seeing different species of animals; hearing different sounds and having the opportunity to meet different people.

The second importance of diversity is that, it ensures that man is able to dominate the earth and the universe. Since everybody on this earth is unique physically, we also have unique gifts and talents deposited in us. We have persons with special abilities to set up businesses and provide employment to other persons. Some people are gifted with scientific knowledge therefore they are able to invent gadgets that improve the lives of persons on this earth. Man is now able to travel to space and deposit satellites there to aid information flow around the world. The ability to go to space has been possible because of the researches of some dedicated scientist.

Another importance of diversity is that, it brings about respect, networking and trade. You can be very good in a particular area but not good in another equally important area. However, somebody may be very good in the area of your deficiency. To get the benefits of the talents you are deficient in, you will respect the other party and work together. Sometimes, one may have to buy the talent of the other party or their product(s). Many products we see on the market today are made up of several elements put together. These elements are sometimes produced by several institutions but because of networking between these institutions, they are able to assemble the different elements from different institutions into one product. Paul advised the church to network and make use of the diversity of gifts in the church (1 Corinthians 12:4).

Anybody you see being celebrated did one thing. That is, they identified and developed their talent(s) for the benefit of society. Therefore, instead of becoming envious of celebrities, one has to identify his/her God given talent(s) and develop it to bless the world. Everybody has the potential to be celebrated. If you are not being celebrated now, then it is likely that you have not maximize the benefit of your talent(s) to society. God has said in His word that, my people perish because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge is required for the development of one’s talent(s).

Remember that there is something that you alone in this world can do to bless people on this earth. Your inability to bless the world with your talent(s) is a disservice to the world and God will not be pleased with you. Our father is happy when His children are a blessing to each other through the use of their talent(s). The world would have been replete with more challenges if some scientists had not put their talent(s) to good use. It is said that “in diversity lies strength”.
