Faith videos

A Christian cannot progress without faith. Faith is the fuel for advancement in life. Faith videos here will help you to develop your faith.

The glory of God

the glory of God

Andrew Wommack teaches on the glory of God.Lack of God’s word creates vacuum within us and that is what causes the problems. Watch the video and be blessed.

Nothing as powerful as a changed mind

Indeed there is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. In this video, Pastor TD Jakes gives exposition on this topic. The human mind (soul) mediates between the spirit and the flesh. It is the battle field of the spirit and the flesh. When the flesh dominates your spirit, one walks in sin and its fruits. When the spirit dominates the flesh, one walks in dominion and holiness. That is why Bible encourages us to renew our minds. Watch the full video and be transformed.

Mustard seed faith

Hear the word and do it. Hear about health and go out there and heal. What is mustard seed faith? Watch the video above.