
Man has an innate nature that always wants to win. However, life is such that sometimes it is difficult to make progress in spite of several efforts made by a person. My friend and I graduated from High school with very good grades and we were all preparing to enroll in the university. My friend was fortunate to get another opportunity to join the military and be commissioned as a military officer. At that time, he had it tough in choosing between these two opportunities. Finally, he settled on the opportunity to become a military officer and had to forgo the other opportunity of enrolling in the university although he had gained admission. No matter what the challenge is, do not quit yet.

Unfortunately for my friend, three months to the commissioning parade, he was expelled. He could no longer enroll at the university because it was too late to do so. My friend nearly committed suicide for what happened, however, after several counseling he put himself together again. In subsequent years, he tried to reapply to several public universities but could not secure admission. My friend did not give up on life! He tried several other opportunities and failed. The more he tried, the more he failed.

After several years of persistence, he successfully enrolled in a private university where he had to work part-time to be able to pay his school fees. My friend has now completed the private university and now working with one of the successful communication companies in Africa. Currently, he is pursuing a Master in Information Technology whilst still working. If he had given up on life, he would have been a failure in life. There are other several stories about persons who used challenges as spring boards to excel in life. Some of these persons have become presidents of nations, CEOs of conglomerates etc. Do not quit yet!

On the contrary, some other friends of mine experienced some challenges after High school and have given up on life. It is sad to say that, some have become drunkards, settled for less and some have also become liabilities to society.

Life is sometimes not fair per se but it takes resilient persons to consistently forge ahead in spite of seemingly unsurmountable obstacles. How does one surmount obstacles in life? Seek counsel from people who have gone ahead of you. Have mentors who you discuss personal issues with and they will advise you what to do. Always have the drive for success and make every day count. Pray always to God for direction. One’s future is hidden in his/her daily routines. Take the word of God seriously because you will always receive encouragement from it to help you advance. Your story will always be pleasant to the ears if only you don’t give up on life because of the challenges you face. See challenges as ‘bread’ for food and ‘spring boards’ to propel you to the next level of advancement in your life and you will be celebrated for your achievements. Do not quit yet!.
