


Excerpts of the video titled how to confront fear:

We should never be afraid of circumstances but we should be bold to confront those circumstances (trials, tribulations etc.).

It is important to read the good news not the bad news. We need to pay more attention to what the word says and not what the world says.

If we keep our eyes on Him, He will always take care of us in spite of the bad conditions in the world.

It doesn’t take any special talent to give up. Anybody can give up but it takes courage to press forward.

Sometimes, we are like sheep led to the altar but in all of these things, we are more than conquerors.

If we base our life on the bible, we can’t fail. Failure is not an option.

Fear is a dead end but faith always has a future. Faith opens the door for God to work in our lives.

Believing causes you to be in the rest of God-only believe and you will see the glory of God.

Sometimes the only way we can learn what we don’t want is by having it. We should seek God for who He is and not for what He can do for us. Confront fear and you will be a winner.

Picture frame courtesy of nongpimmy/
