
It is important to dream however it is more important to pursue your dream(s) and bring them to fruition. The following discusses 10 things your dream will do for you.

Your dream will stop you from living the wrong life. To realise your dream requires adherence to norms and practices that shape your life to ensure that the dream comes to pass. There are times you need to withdraw from everybody and have time for yourself and God in order to develop strategies of success. You will not want to err because every dreamer knows the importance of error and therefore makes everything possible to avoid them. There must always be a conscious effort to direct your way of life and energy towards the realization of your dream. You will come across many choices but always ensure that you make the right choice. Joseph for instance, was faced with the choice of having his way with Potiphar’s wife but he quickly disappeared from the scene.

Your dream will send you to others in order to become relevant in their lives. Joseph was a man of service no matter where he found himself. In Potiphar’s house, he was diligent in service to the extent that he became the next head after Potiphar. Indeed, what is the purpose of life on earth? Our purpose in life is to be relevant in service to God and man. Always be ready to serve God and others and you will be rewarded. The reward may not directly come from the person benefiting from your service but the fact still remains that you will be rewarded.

Your dream will strengthen you. You will continue to pursue your dream despite challenges that may come your way. You should always remember that the fruits of your dream are invaluable and no obstacle should compel you to abandon your dream.

Your dream will stretch you to the limits but don’t give up. There will be times that you will feel like forgoing your dream so that all the stress that comes with it disappears. In fact the human body always wants to enjoy relaxation. Any time it is under pressure, it reacts by sending signals to the brain. Paul said he disciplines his body to ensure that he does not become a castaway after preaching the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:27). Sleep is good for the body but sometimes, you need to forgo sleep. Our high Priest (Jesus) is a typical example. When the process of humiliation became very tough, he persisted and relied on the will of God instead of His will for the cup to pass by.

Your dream will unite you with God’s plan and purpose. God is the one who reveals your dream to you and gives you the drive to achieve it. God is the ultimate reason why you live so your dream must have the ability to fulfill the great commission of God. God desires to save everybody on this earth for a prosperous future.

You dream will provide leadership to people. How will you feel if you realised your dream and provided employment for 70 percent of unemployed persons in your community or country? Put in all the effort in order to bring your dream to pass and make life worth living for persons who are less fortunate. If this idea forms part of our dreams, we will all be reducing unemployment by a very big margin.

You dream will dominate your inner man and spirit. You should always see your dream in your spirit and in your mind. Joseph did that and it worked for him. His first two dreams had the same meaning. After interpreting the dream of the chief baker, he told the chief baker not to forget him when he is restored.

Your dream will expand your greatness. Your dream will compel you to serve, provide employment for people, will fit into God’s plan and so on. All these will make you great. But don’t forget that in the position of greatness, you still have to serve and bring about expansion of your greatness.

Your dream will attract people to you. Many people will like you for your achievements. People you may not know will be knocking at your door for help- go on and help them. Some will come as wolves in sheep’s skin in order to derail you so you need to watch out and be in tune with God. With God on your side, you will always win.

Your dream will satisfy you. You will receive rewards from the fruits of your dream. This is the desire of God for His children and mankind- that we make ourselves relevant in this world and get rewarded.

These are the 10 things your dream will do for you. Don’t abandon your dream(s)!
