
Sustainable development is an essential part of mankind. On this page you will see development models, from various parts of the world, that have proven to be very useful for sustainable development.

Cocoa farm sanitation

Cocoa farm sanitation is the removal of unwanted elements from the farm. Unwanted elements include stagnant water, weeds, piled Cocoa husks, Chupons, Moss, Epiphytes (Mistletoes), dead branches, unwanted pods. Removing these unwanted elements from the farm regularly reduces the incidence of pests and diseases because some of these elements serve as hosts.

Training Cocoa farmers

Technical skills training is a requirement for any desired transformation. In the Cocoa sector of some tropical countries such as Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and many others, the technical skills of Cocoa farmers are improved regularly in order to increase productivity and improve livelihood. Similar technical trainings are offered in other important sectors of these countries. The slideshow above portrays farmers receiving training on improved methods of Cocoa production in Ghana.

Video on well pruned Cocoa farms

Pruning of Cocoa farms is one of the vital cultural practices for high productivity. The above slideshow portrays a well pruned farm.