
Sustainable development is an essential part of mankind. On this page you will see development models, from various parts of the world, that have proven to be very useful for sustainable development.

Build a new model

Ultimately, your knowledge must translate into innovations and these innovations must build a new model or models. Let your new models bless the world around you.

The theory of constraints

The theory of constraints (TOC) is a novel approach to organisations. TOC converts the traditional approach of managing processes in isolation towards managing the system as a whole. Please watch the video above for more explanation.

The Peeled Coconut Commodity Chain in Nigeria

 The Peeled Coconut Commodity Chain in Nigeria: Abstract: Prior to 2008, Nigerians were transporting huge quantities of coconuts to their country. This study was to find out on the Coconut Commodity Chain (CC) in Nigeria and why huge quantities of…
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